Sad Chip Attack (sad_chip_attack.xm)
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Sad Chip Attack I began tracking this in 1999. Finished on 2001-10-03. Haven't really heard chiptunes like this before? Me neither. It grows and grows and is slow. Notice that there are only melodic instruments. Rhythmic instruments like drums are not always needed! Also note the multimelodicity. There are light melodies in the background, too. You can change how this song sounds by concentrating on the background melodies. That way it will take longer for this song to turn dull in your head. This method applies also to other pieces of music. Keep in mind! Mail me if you have a reason: -Ville '99-'01
viritetty ääni toinenkin ääni matala ääni terävä ääni pehmeä ääni toinenkin ääni pehmeä viritetty plink kolmiovihellys yllättävää... tähän olen jopa tyytyväinen! -Ville '00 please note that WinAmp does not play this tune right ville.v.nurmi_ with chip samples you can concentrate on melodies and not worry about how your samples fit together still, i guess i need more concentration... no! that's just me being humble. truthfully, this tune rox. ääni korjaatämä.wav korjaatämä-low.wav korjaatämä-high.wav Tappohappo.wav Tappohappo2.wav Tappohappo3.wav Chipääni.wav ääni Fewdollars-vihellys.wa Fewdollars-vihellys.wa Fewdollars-vihellys.wa ääni2.wav ääni2.wav ääni3.wav kolmiovihellys.wav ääni ääni
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