dancing in neon (dancing_in_neon.xm)
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axl did this.. oh yes. but not he did it. the system did. through him to poison the world with europop. try your evil night- mare. try it. now. i said. go away and do what you shouldn't have done. no no!. leave me alone in this life and let me be around everything that's empty. like you and your number. no. dont drag me away. you'll only get more empty. go now. now. no grates on the carpet made we wonder around the place for hours. nothing in sight and the world feeled black and white. empty. sad. i tried to push it.but i could not. not that it helped me with any thing. it killed my movements around the glamorous life. life which we never will see. life which we never will reach life which we never can get. life which we never enters. will we stay alive now. i suddenly felt some thing heavy dragging me down the stairs nothing really felt as i felt that very moment. lights. moves. i was throwed down on a hard concrete floor. the room was not like the room i used to stay in. this room was made by me. in my last dream. i dreamt that it would come one day where i found my self trapped in a big room. a room with no walls. a room so small you couldn't lay down i tried so often to. but i couldn't. nopes. that's not right. no. go AWAY!. LEAVE ME HERE!.. STAY WHERE YOU ARE.. i'll save my own life, by try the other sullotion. Bassdrum Snare - (g-5) Closed Hihat Open Hihat Techno Drum Strings Bass Tom Organ Clap Chiplead Crash - (c-5) Piano - (b-4)
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