Speared By Guitar (speared_by_guitar.xm)
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"Speared By Guitar" Composed by: Jim Jackson Running time: Less tha 2.00 (thank's to fuckin' GUS!!!) Unpaid advertisement: Jim Jackson uses only Fender and Jackson guitars, Boss and Vox effects, Peavey amps and Tascam recorders. Jim's humble residence is located at: Haukiniemenk. 13 B 9 74100 IISALMI Finland Due Jim's lazyness the phone number will be kept unannounced. Greez go to: T.o.B (is it Damones?) Micron (this I dunno) Bad Guitar Players HI MOM!!! Steve Vai Joe Satriani And everybody who don't know me and who I don't care to notice Now a little message to those motherfuckers who want to use GUS as a compo system. IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!! How in hell are you suppposed to do a song which sounds good and is longer than 5 secs if you have only 1 MB memory to use. I made this tune with fuckin' AWE and the first version was really (at least almost) good. Then I found out that The fuckin tune should fit in 1MB.I worked my ass off trying to make changes in this tune. Damn samples sound like shit now. Who is the asshole who got the idea of using GUS? OK. Now somebody says that composer should be abled to make his tunes as memorycon- serving as possible. Fuck that!!! I'm an artist who hates to compromise. It's like trying to paint fuckin' ceiling of the Sixtus chappel on a fuckin' postage stamp!!!. Forget conventional thinking about limits. Everything else on computerworld must be better looking, faster, more precise, fucking 3600000 colors in 10000X7000 reso- lution, billion vectrs hopping on the screen, god damn plasmas... I say, you fellow mzzx men, let's make symp- honical pieces and use gigabytes if we want to. Jim Jackson NOT a computer mzxer Bd.smp Bdcrash.smp closethihatmobyyyyyyyy openhihatmoby------- For 2nd Difference Snare123.smp plateiiiiiiiiiii puprletom basso basso
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