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By Falcon / Pulse [08.11.1996] Historia nastepnego dnia, czyli jak sie meczylem przez caly tydzien na czterech kanalach...:-) Dedicated to: Raiden/Exmortis contact me: Jacek Dojwa Wesola 37/31 50521 Wroclaw Poland. my greets for: Akira Aktin Chaser Climax Cielik Cortez KeyG Lazur Raiden Scorpik Toalnkor Unreal and Yarpen. (c) Autumn Colors'96 samples by: jogeir (02) necros (03-08) c.meland (22-24,26) p.motion (28) falcon (09-20,29-2E) d-e.string long string.loud riff.01 02 03 04 09 0a 0b 0c bass1 bass.slap bass.string snaredrum rockdrum.hey fln
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