fear the morning (fear_the_morning.xm)
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909 Bassdrum Chord Organ Chord Misc Hihat Closed Misc Hihat Open Fricke Mfb-512 Clap Snare ---- Screaaam Yamaha FB-01 Bass Sequence BassChord Crash Cymbal ohohow! FingerSnap DNS Productions presents a new track finished on 13th March 2001 / 13:09 ------------------- DNS - Fear The Morning ------------------- CONTACT: IRC: my nick is "Doennes" email: Doennes%gmx.de You may remix this track if you send me the result :) If you have any comments, suggestions, opinions or ideas feel free 2 contact me bye and have fun! PS: Wer mir mit dem "Doener"-Witz kommt, dem schneid ich die Eier ab und mach da Dönerfleisch draus! Ihr Pausenkomiker! Doennes kommt von Dennis. Wenn man meinen Vornamen komisch ausspricht, klingt das so. ;) rumbazumba pillepalle Trance19.wav Chord_~3.wav Orgchrd4.wav 8-hhcl.wav Hihat10.wav 512-clap.wav 9-snare4.wav Scream.wav Fb01bass.wav Seqbas_1.wav 9-crash2.wav Ouw.wav Snap01.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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