Forgotten Love (forgotten_love.xm)
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This module was downloaded from Trax In Space! If there is a problem with this module, please contact: For more music from Trax In Space, please visit our web site at: To be added to our mailing list, or to send comments/questions, write to: Trax In Space contains thousands of songs from hundreds of registered artists! Registration is free, and all artists are encouraged to do so. Trax In Space is searchable by artist and music genre, and contains ratings of all music, with new article reviews being added all the time. To become a reviewer for Trax In Space, please contact or visit the "Become a Reviewer" section in the website. If you would like to add your link to our link page, contact for more instructions, or simply choose one of our banners located at the site and add it to your homepage. Please notify once this has been accomplished. Our Mission: Since the late 80's and early 90's (the time tracking originated), a vast movement of sound and melody arose in the underground music world, dubbed the "scene." Using dynamic software technologies that seemed to improve by quantum leaps, people everywhere were able to express themselves in a new medium called modules. Unlike midi, modules did not rely upon a soundcard's WAV table, and was thus easily reproducible as the author's intent on virtually every soundcard made. Now many years later, thousands of trax (modules) surface every year, encompassing all music styles and genres, and being composed by people of all ages and walks of life from every corner of our earth. To help unite the scene as never before, to raise the levels of quality, to allow first time visitors more than a glimpse into the magnificent universe of tracking, and to do this all in style, Trax In Space has emerged as a monumental vanguard of the infinite cosmos called the "scene." (C) Nebula, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
Dj Trefall proudly presents F O R G O T T E N L O V E ok.. first of all this song is in 64 channels mode.. si u'll have 2 use modplugtracker not fasttracker.. ft2 cant read this file.. u'll get an error then.. so use modplugtracker! when thats said.. this is my 3rd song in this genre.. my 1st atempt to make this kind of music went pretty well.. and many people mailed me.. telling me 2 stop makin trance music.. and consentrate on my ballads.. but.. Im afraid that wont be done.. :) I love trance.. and I do a ballad now and then to get some variation in my work.. and I like doin ballad as well.. :) anyway.. hope u like my music.. coments goes to:: homepage:: http://members. tho that page isnt updated in a while.. so I would advice u to go 2 TiS and find me there.. search for :: Dj Trefall yeh.. greetz goes out to.. Fatboy Edzes Bite_Per Disc0duck MrFetha GloomWing T-Bird Warhawk DaRythmFreak MrClubTrance Fredrik Cole D Fast Melin White Edge #10 Trance Max OnneW SlidingTrancer DjHor$$i BreakThru Space Walk Special Tnx to:: Awesome Tbo&Vega TranceMaster and William Orbit for giving me all that inspiration and the faith of what I once will become.. thanx alot! [c] Dj Trefall teclado Shtcres2.wav Stringc5.wav Crash2 M16c.amf High Roll by scorpik bonzai.halldrum untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled ntitled untitled untitled untitled ntitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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