unleash (unleash.xm)
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ASSIGN TOKYO DAWN RECORDS tracked for the first tokyo dawn musicdisk 8bit, extremely cutted - even without those lovely betty davis vocals i sampled, so contact me for the full 3mb version.. and look out for my next 12" as well as compiliations feat. my music - strictly drum&bass and electro assign_usa.net, http://tdr.home.ml.org (c) & (p) 1998 by marc wallowy.. assign.raregroove.beat apache break assign.think2.modified falcon.aaahh assign.claves ? kom'ah ? ?.wobbler base assign.dropbase assign.707?.ride assign.echo-fx assign.rim Gotcha! vivid.tambourine mentz.string trace&nico?.break NO U-TURN KICKS assign.scotty.break vivid.triangle bass assign.hm.can't.remem- ber.the.name.of.the. break assign.bass-waveform kick assign.808snare amen crash amen kick amen doubled kick amen snare assign.betty davis.voc allright ! Ambien~1.wav assign.cr8k.open cr8k.ch kuu falcon? 1A by Velvet 1B-1C unknow
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