cheapskate (cheapskate.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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dalezy level-d guestrelease. this tune remained on my hd since the end of 1997, like an un- wanted child. it'd get released at the evoke'98, but i couldn't attend it at last. regards to everyone in level-d, good luck with ldr, tmeproject and everything else you're currently wor- king on. don't hesitate to send your feedback to, or take a look at [= dalezy sep 1997 =] j'stickmorf lead l (Korg Trinity) j'stickmorf lead r (Korg Trinity) Modern Strings (Korg Trinity) Marcato Strings (Korg Trinity) meine_tolle_stimme dalezy cymbal.3 dalezy hooooooooo_ dalezy dwave_synth_left dalezy dwave_synth_right dalezy analogue_seq01 dalezy downsampled to 8bit analogue_seq02 dalezy downsampled to 8bit analogue_seq03 dalezy downsampled to 8bit analogue_seq04 dalezy downsampled to 8bit analogue_seq05 dalezy downsampled to 8bit analogue_seq06 dalezy downsampled to 8bit analogue_seq07 dalezy downsampled to 8bit organ dalezy ambient_seq01 dalezy ambient_seq02 dalezy ambient_seq03 dalezy ambient_seq04 dalezy ambient_seq05 dalezy ambient_seq06 dalezy ambient_seq07 dalezy acidbla dalezy jd.emu_synth dalezy ambientseq dalezy
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