Whatever the Cost (whatever_the_cost.xm)
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**Composed By** FleshDance Whatever the Cost sadaen80_hotmail.com DJBOURG11.IT S6:Aaron Doucett--- Sunrise Over the Prari Bass Set From DreaMSectioN songs " " " " some samples are from www.maz-shop.com (demo (JJ_Max?) DS also
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Random Pick :P ..on the first few plays this does come across very well,nice slow intro gets the track started.once the beat enters along with a nice piano it does pick up adding a good melody line.Half way through the track's life it does not really change which was ok would have been better to have more varation.Overall not to bad a track nice slow build till the beat enters and it's more dance-ish,for a 5 min plus track it adds some nice atmosphere the piano again a nice touch still one to give a listen to or even maybe a like :).........