Okashiine - Forever (okashiine_forever.xm)
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A dS release http://ds.onyx.nu by Glenn Liljestrand aka Glejs Greets and salutations * To all digital Sweep members (u know who u are...) * PECH RECORDINGS: -MEGUMix -Abu -HansamKiller * Sat6 * ma666 * Yawarachan * Zarxnoid * Darkhalo * Hoolz / Techno Tribe * Josh Lurid / Gobi * Gronda * Stella chan * The AI crew + + + + + + + + + + + Song info: Started: 99-02-28. Finished: 99-03-19. Lenght: 11 min 01 sec Mail me at: glejs_swipnet.se Bass001 Ploop003 Ploop004 Ploop008 Tstng003 Synth029 Synth026 Spian002 Ploop018 Oboe004 Space001 Chime003 Comp124 Hihat011 Cymbal01 Cymbal02 Snare001 Ploop007 Bassy008 Hihat010 Trimmed to perfection for listening with the MOD Plug Player, or Fasttracker 2.08 Enjoy. Note: This song sounds different depending on which player you are using.. The hihats that enters after a couple of minutes sounds very weird if played in FT2. ... sounds pretty cool though... :-) Winamp 2.10 is almost good at playing MODs I still recommend the Mod Plug Player though .............. 099dance.wav Congas1.wav warm pad darkhalo light drops - darkhalo optikal - darkhalo nice piano darkhalo Rare_h.wav oboe <Leviathan> light squirts belltree + reverb open.unknown crash.madhatter -Josh Lurid flange cymbal darkhalo 963 92E nice bass darkhalo closed.unknown
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
cool! makes me think ofspace.