***, Money & Murder. (***_money_murder.xm)
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.Composed by .Keith303 of .Radical Rhythms .Anarchy pc .Blank(255) .Moz(IC)art! .( play with ft2 to . avoid clicks ) .think it was about .time to do some .commercial .hardcore / rave .shit again... .hope this ain't to .fast for you and your .feet! .beats you up .for 5:15m! humanoid.juno1 humanoid.juno2 K303.hall.bass humanoid.juno3 K303.909hihat dune.perc14 TrinomicSawwave1 K303.punkassbitch silverstance.lead K303.hc-snare K303.nightvision.1 K303.nightvision.2 K303.nightvision.3 K303.dutchhcwave K303.come.on.now! K303.beeper.one K303.klbz.clap K303.punkassbitch
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