xy = bhey o ghey (xy_bhey_o_ghey.xm)
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awful brass sine gheyflute tuba bell weird noise hiphop noise uh :( accordion (almost) cool organ cooler organ boring organ organ? organ.. harpsichord :)))) synthbass bass another bass bad kick half-assed clap hihat hihat ÷pen snare ObligatoryLoopedCrash tom ÷pen hihat good kick puny snare unspecified noise unspecified noise 2 Comet f Ocarina Steamer Tuba Gamelan Bell Glass Bell Scrape Hit L-R No!Scratch Hit Accordian Farfisa Organ Farfisa Organ Rock Organ Crystal Organ Rez Organ Harpsichord f MiniMoog Bass Fingered Bass Fingered Bass HR-16 Bass Drum HR-16 Hand Claps HR-16 High Hat Closed HR-16 High Hat Open HR-16 Snare Drum HR-16 Crash Cymbal DR-220E Electric Tom DR-220E High Hat Open VFX Bass Drum VFX Snare Drum VFX Toy Hammer VFX Duct Tape
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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