-"As days goes by"- (as_days_goes_by.xm)
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-"As days goes by"- \ / /^ Composed By: \^ CliveR / A.I. / \ _1998 by Mathias Holm. All rights reserved. A .:. Artificial .:. .:. Intelligence .:. PRODUCTION ---------------------- http://home6.swipnet. se/ w-68557/title.htm £ = Wavesign Inspiration and most of the samples from: EXTREME's - "Vision" and "Rain" (EnergyTrance crew) Vocals taken from the MONZ SAMPLES SITE This song is best experienced with: FASTTRACKER 2.0X OR the MOD PLUG player WANNA CONTACT US? ---------------------- -^ CliveR ^- cliver_traxinspace.com -^ Dj BarS ^- dj_bars_hotmail.com -----intelligence_---- hotmail.com Greetings flies to --------^^^^^--------- ^ Achilles/Triad ^ Benny ^ Billy ^ Dr. Jam/Paranoise ^ EnergyTrance ^ Glejs/dS ^ Hoax [the writer] ^ Mysterium/Nebula ^ The Nebula crew ^ Sanela ^ Tobz/DMP ...And to all the rest i know...c ya l8r! THiS SONG iS DEDiCATED TO <-.-> MARIA HÅLLEN -> Length <- 3:25
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