Why Not Me (Dynamix) (why_not_me_dynamix.xm)
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dynamix / destiny presents... "WHY NOT ME? " ~~in full xm stereo =) COMPOSED FOR THE FICTION BBS MUSIC CONTEST VOTE DYNAMIX =) This is a christmas spirit dance tuney with a bit of a mental theo, charley lownoise kind of touch... It is also, my 3rd official release with destiny... by the way, if you want to publish this on a (scene)audio-cd please contact me, for permission, okay? if you don't i'll send doede and his wonder- ful knokploeg out to kill you! damn! my board isn't in the informationfile so here it is: -%- SAMPLE CiTY -%- +31-(0)165-365610 (28k8/24Hrz/Dynamix) e-mail me at: dynamix_quazar.idn.nl and have some fun... see you around in another release (or maybe a cd?) Seeya! dynamix... NoName NoName 909-CLOSED5 JUNO-BUZZ1 Kenny Chou Bass16-4.wav 909-OPEN2 Radlclp1.iff Elstak Piano Ranged data from FT2 Ranged data from FT2 909-SNARE5 Whiteroom Crowd NoName 909-CRASH2 NoName NoName
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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