"DuneZ (re-edit)" (dunez_remix.xm)
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"DuneZ (re-edit)" Length: 3'26" Composed by: CliveR & Dj BarS _1998 by A.I. Crew. All rights reserved. ARTiFiCiAL iNTELLiGENCE "Top notch \ / swedish / \ dance music" \ / / \ ViSiT http://come.to/ artificial. intelligence FOR MORE GREAT DANCE MUSiC You may use the samples in your own productions as long as you give credit to the author(s) of the samples. No remixing of this song is allowed. < Greetz fliez to > >Achilles/Triad >Pommac/Padua >phlow/Kombo, Xmp, Got >Dj Zip/Kombo, Kosmic >ragOOn/Kombo >Mysterium/Nebula >DnaTrance >Asu/Confusion >/\/ick/Lost patrol >Joe/Lost patrol >Jacek/freemusic.com >Cyberzip/Nebula >Gronda Gronda (G*2) >Distortion >(M)Rated >M.P. Productions >Glejs/dS >D-Raven >Archaos (shadowrunner >Extreme/EnergyTrance >Warcrime/EnergyTrance >Nitro/EnergyTrance >Grandmaster >_zeta_/Euphonic >DaNeR/Euphonic >Vectro/Euphonic >Dj Cosmosis >Omega >ZPP >NoRuleZ >Andreas/Tsec >Virtuos/Tsec >Zola >Diablo/High Tension >Rough garden/High Ten >Tobbe >Benny >Billy >Knuten >David >Adde + da rest of la familia. And last but not least Dr. Jam/A.I. Crew U can contact us through sending a mail to: intelligence _hotmail.com Piano Author unknown Snare Author unknown Tb303bass1 Taken from K303 String author unknown Drumloop author unknown ccymbal2 author unknown _TSEC bhihat author unknown Effect Taken from Joe/Lost patrol _ZPP Guitar pad4 BASSDRUM Created by Dj BarS _1998 by A.I. Crew. All rights reserved. HHOD2.WAV From Slice KickHallBassdrum Taken from EnergyTrance SlowString Taken from Glejs/dS clap sample by cosmic / rr
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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