why_does_life_end.xm (why_does_life_end.xm)
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********************** Why Does Life End? ********************** Made of/ /AlienZoul ********************** Run time: 3:55 min ********************* Yo! I'm back with a very odd type a music. It's have a kind of breakbeat in it...but still. I'm not sure what the other sounds are...maybe mystical? I really don't know?!? £Sample greets£ <Awesome> (Piano) <zWiRrE> (Ping sound) £Regular Greets£ <SilverHeart> <Reptile_> <Dj_Loud> <Mister_Dj> <Treclor> <cK_> C ya all at undernet! mIRC of course! At #xl-ent or #ft2 *login off* HQ9096.WAV Cosmic's.FastMovin.Hih KICK_05A.WAV HI_C_06B.WAV 049.wav 049-2.wav 056.wav ░▒█ Finished: 15.7.95 TUSCH.WAV SNAR_07F.WAV Brkbtalw.smp Brkbtalw.smp sampled by AKA sampled by AKA sampled by AKA sampled by AKA sampled by AKA NoName
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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