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._ by dac '96. .samples von diversen .usern, vocals von der .six-mix cd-rom .(c) press any key, .aber hauptsächlich .von mir (gesampled). .5:56 minutes duration .Wieder ein verplanter .track von dacydac .Sorry 4 da size but .I've got 8 MB Ram. .Wegen der Performance .leider nur 14 Kanäle. .Kackt ab auf 486/5o .16Bit/44.1KHz of'coz. .Der breakeat (1E) ist .1oo% dac styled mit .ft2 zusammengebastelt .und mit Cubic Player .Convertet into a wav. .Ya Know Whatamean! .ansonsten klaut man .sich kiloweise sampls .zusammen, um dann .festzustellen, dass .die dann alle auf .irgendeiner groovy- .bytes cd drauf sind. .achja die greets: ---next page pleeze-- .Radical Rhythms Rec. .Keith303,Ray,Cosmic, .Bumb2o, Vivid, Canni. .Traxx: Blue Adonis .SAC: Spuhn, Ännimäll .Destiny: Heretic .Tracktor: Cyborg, Bat Andreas 'Dac' Behr Alfred-Randt-Str.18 12559 Berlin Germany noch +49-3o-654-4922 dac.a.scratch dac.common... Beat2.wav Breakbeat by BJ 952 9fe .auch auf groovy- .bytes (behind the .moon) drauf. .looost ganz schön .ab der kuhle .akkustik beat. dac.oder.keith3o3.bass K3O3.opn.hh. dac.Clap!.raw spoon.tb303 acidsyn by keith3o3 virtual rhythms.acid s dac.08/15.cymbal dac.cosmic.baby.bass dac.16bitqlclosed.geil dac.16bitqlopen.geil unknown.808hhc.pat unknown.808hho dac.das.mod.... dac.Wheres the Bass? dac.i'm.dead dac.Yresist.snd K303.breakme!.16 924 dac.awx.acd0 dac.awx.acd1 dac.awx.acd2 dac.interactive dac.Insects dac.400bill.snd dac.Hal_ok.wav dac.auchslidebar dac.Piano.wav dac.1oo%.edit.v1.oo dac.acidbass-1 dac.echoclap dac.Neosmas8.wav dac.beschissene.snare styxx.gabba.bassdrum dac.pump.that.puzzy .braindead 2 .the lurking fear .1oo% hardtrance free bumb2o.Bitch!.wav K303.francois.fuzz dac.16.bit.snare .leicht verstummelte .ausgabe k303.gabbermässig dac.Jharp dac.hardcore.bass gus.patch.i.belive k3o3.syn.16bit.ch.moon dac.Dj.weg.[!] dac.808_open.hh dac.808_closed.hh dac.thunder-0 bumb2o.Divine01.wav bumb2o.Divine02.wav K3O3.BOOM? dac.gabber.bass cool clap by Resonatix
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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