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Christmas ReMix '95 (christmas_remix_95.xm)

Info Summary

  • christmas_remix_95.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 155.46KB in size and has been downloaded 837 times since Tue 20th Sep 2005 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 136767
  • Downloads: 837
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: eb59ea1561314d69622a34b2205d5094
  • Format: XM
  • Channels: 12
  • Uncompressed Size: 155.46KB
  • Genre: n/a

License License


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  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Info Internal Texts *

"Christmas Remix '95"
   CyberZip / TiDAL

A collection of the
most common x-mas
songs for your joy
Released 13 December!

       The Songs:
1. Jingle Bells
2. Nu tändas tusen..=)
3. Heilige Nacht
4. Rudolf the Red...
5. White Christmas
Santa Claus is here!!!
A big box of candy
goes to all members
of TiDAL, we're best!

A new soundcard goes
to Nitzer, because he
needs one dearly!

A new 50 terabyte-HD
goes to Judge Dredd.

A Sven-Ingvars CD
goes to Epsilon...

A lots of goodies goes
to all my friends.

A Denon DN 2000-F
goes to all eurodance
fans all over the

A Silicon Graphics-
computer goes to Clay,
because he REALLY
wants one!!

Some *nasty* under-
wear goes to Janet
Jackson...  ;- D

A *perfect* tracker
goes to all PC-
musicians on the

A diploma goes to ALL
coders on the scene!

A Wish of Fortune goes
to Bosnia, and the
rest of the world!

A BIG thanx goes to
Mr.H and Vogue for
coding Fasttracker 2!!

Another BIG thanx 2 U
4 reading this far...
(Only a little more..)

A Christmas tree goes
to Flare and the rest
of Trimate!

Respect goes to all
swedish demogroups!

A smile goes to all
the nice "gals" at

A new soundcable goes
to Ol'Dirty Bastard,
because I want my own
back... =)

A bear goes to Tiger,
for supplying the logo
- you did such a job!

A network-card goes
to Liket/Goto 10. but
I don't think he'll
need one... I also
doubt he'll ever read
this, but, -"A man's
gotta try, u know what
I'm sayin' " !?!
Time for misc. stuff..

Call my HQ Summon:
+46-(0)8-462 98 95 !!

WRITE to me at:

Or leave me a message
on a demoboard here
in 08, Sweden.

OR someone else in
my goup TiDAL.

I wish you a very
Merry Christmas, and
a Happy New Year !!

I'll just hope that I
can finish my music-
disk yet this year...

(Btw, this XM should
sound good in Cub. P.,
so, happy listening!)

      (c) CyberZip -95
   Duration 4' 25"
Chord 4 - Voices


* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
