knowledge 6:27 (knowledge.xm)
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written by keith303 in times where radical rhythms was still alive and tokyo dawn had just been founded - 1997 ( tokyo2051, 2k ) keywords : aggression - chill - violence - acid - 97 non_mp3 - detroit - schranz - knowledge mail : a remastered, spicened up and polished version of knowledge may sooner or later be found on handshakes to.. ..prymer for support and strong belief. ..soutane for reasonable conversati ons & butt kikkin' detroit stuff. in the family you may keep it. techno has overtaken my life, giving me more than music could possibly give. life, style - techno. i never asked you to pump up the volume. mudd-rfu*£in' do it this time, tho. drone.kick1(mdfd) drone.kick2(mdfd) some samplethanks must go to drone ! drone.hhclosed drone.claps drone.percussion drone.percussion drone.hh drone.pitchsweep k303.cs1x.909cym. k303.cs1x.909hhall drone.hh909 k303.atomicblast drone.uglyhihat ins 11-18 by drone again. thanks&sorry for ripping them off,pal. drone.noisyhfhh drone.downpitch drone.bckwrdsefx drone.lowblock12 k303.cs1x.layer2 k303.cs1x.layer1 ambient.submarine _ dynamix.dtn K303.lowacid0 aphro.kick+rush _ sonic.destiny aphro.snare+rush _ sonic.destiny aphro.perc+rush _ sonic.destiny aphro.hush _ sonic.destiny K303.butterfly.b3 K303.butterfly.b1 Aphbass1.raw
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