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The Good StuffSummary
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(c) ArchAngel/Nebula brought to you during autumn '98 "Help Us". So... why don't you help us make this a a better world by... well... hm... being nice and kind to people for a start. There's too much bad vibes everywhere. Blääh Written short after I was deprived a job... (maybe explains the sad mood of the song?) Sorry for that speedy "viva forever" break. The chords were right, so I thought I could make some fun of it :) Duration 3:29 Ehm... This is a most perculiar tune. It might seem "normal" in the beginning, but I can asure you that later it just gets more and more strange. Dunno why I did it like this, it just happened and I thought it was kind of cool. I think I'm in some kind of experimental stage now. Recently I've been doing the most weird tunes. None of them released so far, except this one. I'm trying a lot of new music styles and ways of making them. Oh... and about that "Viva Forever" break. I thought of making a good cover/remix of that peice, coz it's actually a good, soft relaxing tune. "Hello!" fly-by's to - Nebula - Scc - Phobia ..... Beak, Phreak, Hobbit, PhlumDumb, Vandalen, Captain, Andromeda, Backfire, X.fader, Benedict Loh and the rest of my acquaint- ances on the web! Contact: ArchAngel Nils Ingvarsson Avtalsv. 21 187 50 Täby Sweden ICQ# 4971354 archangel_ ... or just flaskpost Come visit for more of my tunes and the chance to d/l thousands of other modules from artists all over the world! Nighty nighty! 00:35 am the 13th of September 1998. (c) ArchAngel (1980) Dreampad [hehe, well used sample, this is. Thanx CyberZip] House string House2 "Help us" from the game [Warhammer] Bd drumloop drumloop ride Snare Snare Bd sfx Drumloop Giantom "Get..." "Ready!" "Ice Cream" Blipp (looped) acid acid acid acid ophihat
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