"I won't stop" (i_wont_stop.xm)
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"I won't stop" by : Captain Trip of MBK )) in stereo (( where available Captain Trip wishes to thank PsYch0% "The beat is out there" Any abuse of the song will result in serious asskicking. contact me at : nyll1_hotmail.com a technotok prod. '99 Captain Trip _ bassdrum PsYch0% _ roland tapsnare Acidsweep (unknown) Piano (unknown) Captain Trip _ voice Captain Trip _ stringfx Catpain Trip _ deepchoir Pad (unknown) Captain Trip _ clap Bassdrum (unknown) Bossrcy Interface sample CD Captain Trip _ drum 1 Captain Trip _ drum 2 Captain Trip _ drum 3 Captain Trip _ drum 4 Captain Trip _ drum 5 Captain Trip _ drum 6 Captain Trip _ drum 7 Captain Trip _ drum 8 Captain Trip 2 mc-303.openhihat Mk-ch2 Interface sample CD Captain Trip _ mc-303.ride Captain Trip _ mc-303.crash Captain Trip _ shaker Captain Trip _ mc-303.lead Captain Trip _ mc-303.bass X5-str4 Interface sample CD
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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