PreCambric Organism (pre-cambric_organism.xm)
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KoM'AH-eXPLizit presents: PreCambric Organism A pre-historic trance trip With bonus bullshit by Ch:ilm!! Okz Ch here. Damn, it's hard to rite sum krep in FT2, guess it was designed for serious people or sum who actually want to rite instrument-names here, buwhahahaa! And the Danish key- bored layout SUCKS!!!! Fuck those morons who were too fuckin' selfish to code a tracker supporting a normal US keybored!! You like this song? Good! You _must_ be cool! :-) Want more? http:/ where is the fucking tilde sign triton !!!! (tilde)explizit Ahwell who carez. Say if you want to receive more of this stuff, subscribe yarself to our little mailing- list on internet! Send a msg to explizit(at) and put 'SUBSCRIBE' in the msg body From that moment you will receive all our new modules, if that ain't kewl!!! Explizit is: Phonc(ie) - rave Batjo - Happy Jay - Rave/trance KoM'AH-trance/tekno Mad Max - Rave Thunderbass-Happy Landslide - Rave L8trz bandidoz!!! ** ** ** ** **** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** * *** *** ** ** * ** * ** ** ** ** **** ** ** ** ** ****** ** ** ** ** ** ** ****** ** ** ** **
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