me soul ii (me_soul_ii.xm)
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Check Instruments for the messages(loadFT2) ws.funk.sus2 ws.funk.add2 shaker2 bbass10 snare bbass10+cyymbal nhp_lead STARSOUND K-VIBRAPHONE nhp_bassgui nhp_bass jog-ch1-cd#g# ST-42:hihat_jd800 growl22tur jog-ch1-cfa-maj jog-ch1-fa# jog-ch1_maj nhp-lead(upsample) Mallet plus Choir CyCymbal ...messages continue here cause FT2 needs samples for filling the instrument space:) Final smiles to all the great tracking folks all over the world.Take care and think before you release ! :) This song is copyright (C) Anthony Oetzmann in 1996 Created on PT2.3 and FT2.04 from 1994 to 1995. It's gettn' dark ... Gee I forgot the diiiirty limerick I wanted in here :) You take your pick. Btw I'm a PepsiLight addict. Want to know what I look like ??? Don't ask me. Farewell...and ripp the samples only if you realy want to. My email(turn away) Turn the page aronchce_ AiRoN is a cross between a fantasy characters name and Air(for airhead) FInal text . Just say no (to Dope/Complex) Say yes to love(call me:) Fact of the day : I'm married too Jim . And 2 months longer than you *8) That's Lilly and she's a great cook too. WOW! All that empty space! Two days before a test and I'm up at 1 writin' this. Want a scroller text written ? I'm good at that :). To GUS or not to GUS That's not the question so I quote Lt.Col. Slade(from Scent of a Woman) 'When in doubt , fuck.' Maybe I should go count the hair on .... haaaa! Not tellin'ya How many tracks must a tracker track , before he comes to the end of the road . Shifting into 5th. Sample ripping is saying 'Gimme that!' to the author, NOT :) My can's empty!!! Caffein.It's an eye shaker. Aaaah! It's the end .. and what am I to do now ???!!! Mail me your suggestions. But without the words #&$_,_&^$and&#^$ Yes this IS the last screen. Why am I happy ? Because I love. Well boys and girls What you have here before you is my MC3 tune that took 15th in the rookies Yep this is page no.2 :))) I hate wasted space next page please then ........... Credits for this lovable hugable tune go to : AiRoN for writing & arranging the tune Jogeir Liljedahl for the neat chords NHP for the bass guitar sounds(both) and the leads -> that's the NHP lead and string. AMFM(AmigaMusic FreeWaremag) for the KorgWS Chords Chris Huelsbeck for the growltur22 snd taken from the game Turrican2 Mr.Man for a Hihat and AiRoN for ALL the other drums & percussions(yeah I love drums) bbass10+cyymbal empty spaces don't fill places nhp_lead My personal greets go out to : Gene Wie(we love you.Hehe,take care) STARSOUND Love and affection to Ms.Saigon A true lady as far as I can tell. K-VIBRAPHONE Special hug to Namta You oughta give it up Michael nhp_bassgui Sharona Shakes to MAZ for having a fantastic page so close. nhp_bass Basehead for being what he is and what I've heard from him An inspiration. jog-ch1-cd#g# Shakerona to all the Matrix people We'll shake the scene at the Ass96 ST-42:hihat_jd800 Axl for being the greatest fan of this song and a great guy. growl22tur Trixter for answer- ing at least half my mails :) That one's for Martha Someday I will come to Chicago Jim. Necros for the music you make. I didn't like your TP5 tune but I hope we'll meet one day Gryzor for putting me on your CD set Your a great guy. My pic's on there too. Hollywood , you're a better tracke than me mate. Nemesis , the PSID king and an honest critic.Take care AMusic, IRC has left Germany it seems. Keep up the good work.
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