a new life (a_new_life.xm)
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- a new life - - by deginge of lok - - 15/2/98 - a new life (c) deginge_lok '98 email: ginge_gingenet .demon.co.uk ginja stylee! deginge proclaims: SMOKE DE 'ERB!!! yes thats right folks, what ol' deginge is tellin' ya is to smoke summa that dread weed!.. so... what u waitin' for? Skin up! deginge also say: if tony blair followed my way of thinking, what a chilled out country dis would be :-] deginge greetz: ganjaman + all _ lok; tom;ads;lash;winston; gerry;lee;dshift_demon tech support;count zero + all _ the loft; all my local m8s;any body i forgot soz :-) check out: http://www.loknet .demon.co.uk for all lok releases and now... l8r ppl Boymeran.wav Break7.raw maz Sound6.wav Bass4a.wav Cymroll.raw Break12.raw Ommh.pcm
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