technomages (technomages.xm)
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[adrenalin/aalto ] '98 release technomages (4:30) 17021998+358 ambient kompo dreamers, shapers singers, makers... part of me says we'll not see their like again... and a part of me still believes in magic... ten words to make anyone fall in eternal love vocals sampled from babylon five - the geometry of shadows the last words of captain sheridan, while he looked a departure of a ship. the lovely high piano touch sample is by scope/mute, so thanks to him for it. dream, shape, sing, live, dance and make. this is contributed to ambient compo held in abstract hallucination in '98 by adrenalin and asphynx of aalto kru. greets to apollo asphynx bluezebra distance djdroopy entropy grave jm liquid mato noby numa prob. rave scinet sprinkle etc contact me via e-mail i need a drink... takecare 0 / []/ \\ // . self-potrait Don't play this with Cubic Player, for it fucks everything up. Not even with Impulse Tracker, for the sake of panning positions. Play only with FT2! (C) and (P) 1998 by adrenalin and the cirrus cloud records released under the label of aalto [adrenalin/aalto ] an appreciation: hidden meaning in pattern in song order no 01... piano from the angel of thunder by lumen/_ [adrenalin/aalto ] [adrenalin/aalto ] [adrenalin/aalto ] [scope/mute ] [adrenalin/aalto ] [adrenalin/aalto ] [adrenalin/aalto ] [adrenalin/aalto ] [adrenalin/aalto ] [adrenalin/aalto ] [adrenalin/aalto ] [adrenalin/aalto ] [adrenalin/aalto ] [adrenalin/aalto ] [adrenalin/aalto ]
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