L.o.v.E S.o.n.G. (love_song.xm)
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"LovE SonG" CompOzaTionE bY: C.h.A.s.e.R./uNiQue f.C.I. & s.T.C. look out ! 4 first Unique's compilation in real music wolrd.. Diz zong took one day 2 go... Sorry 4 any mistakes but I have no time. Day has only 24 hours.... Bbs line... C.N.T.... E.L.E.C.T.R.O.N.I.C. +48 (0) 68 20-21-86 Some Greetz must fly 2:..... wolf, akira, axmar, lc, medi, seba, trapez trojan, trastor, qix scraby, hogan, raiden draken, falcon, crap kolarz, nerwus, quaser ping-pong, zenial, mercury, elmek, dx, mc-coy, splatterhead, gdf, hornet, ace, kovy timer, jasper, klaf, lazarus,pagan, plastus dave, wojtas, keny, maku, sierant, noski siwy, roma, bobert... and 2: all forgotten diz song is a example how to make a five's minutes music based on the low spirit motive. StAy in peace!!!.. 4 any reason try write 2 diz addy.... Tomasz Gierygowski Powst. w-wy 29/5 65-539 Zielona Gora... P o l a n d ---------------------- ccc h h aaa sss eee c h h a a s e c hhh aaa sss ee c h h a a s e ccc h h a a sss eee ---------------------- BuMi-BuM.pRodAkSZyN Samplf.smp Samplc1.smp Sampl29.smp Sampl2a.smp Sampl42a.smp octave 4 octave 5 Comon.smp Contra.smp Dur'.smp Dur.smp Moll.smp Giveme.smp Hha1.smp Bass6.sam Hit.smp Loop.smp Raveo.smp Raveoi.smp Snarek.smp Stoph.smp Swider.smp Choir.smp NoName NoName Hha.smp Loop.smp Rev.smp
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