One and a Half Life. (one_and_a_half_life_.xm)
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One and a half life --- by Awesome --- of Wild Bits ---------------------- For more AWS files: BLASTERSOUND BBS AWS WHQ +34-58-293-583 or the ftp: I'm also at Blast.CD 3 ---------------------- For just contact with me, write to this: Victor Vergara C/ Montemayor 1, 5 Xirivella ( Valencia ) 46950 Spain or E-mail me to: Vicverlu(_) Note the symbol in socks is the common Internet symbol. FT2 doesn't support SP keyboard!!!!!! ---------------------- Greetings Go To: IMPRESION SMASH! & SLAANESH of Crystal Shade MIKEL & NOISYMAN of Iguana DRAGON, CROM, MITRA of Spanish Lords SERGIO DJ, MRMX, RL of Nova Productions Guillermo Simross W. JCL of Unknown& Dr.Mad and my friends of W I L D B I T S: MADTRONIK IRS, LOGISTIC, TRANCE and my great friend SEX of MONSTER. ---------------------- This is the song that will tell since today what Aurora means for me... just Everything. I love you, Aurora... Happy One and a half year... A bit late, but you all know why. Previewed release date October 6th. 1996 Real release date: October 20th. 1996 ---------------------- Enjoy this, please. And don't dedicate makina songs to your girlfriend, please. Note that if you wanna fully enjoy this song, you should use stereo speakers, not headphones... Samples aren't mine, sorry, but I don't have any keyboard... Provfrt1.iff ding with orch Wild Bits are: AWESOME MADTRONIK NYAKO LOGISTIC TRANCE for (C) S-Ware 5-2-95 Cart yamaha.sy35.warm.strin Shaker.smp Boom.smp proteus.grandpiano.c1 (C) S-Ware 5-2-95 Cart :::::::: hats.smp FM strings =) Composed.iff
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