Shh! Per Is Sleepin' (shh_per_is_sleepin.xm)
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Jan R. "Jeano" Haugan of Black Code Design strikes back with a weird, spacy tune called: "Shh! Per Is Sleepin' Again" Dedicated to my friend Per Bergkvist for always takin' his life hard... I wish I could be like you, Pez... When I am knockin' at your door there is no answer to get.. U are away, sleepin' again... When will you wake up? Will you sleep at school again? Will u forget to play the loosers game? Will u forget your role of being insaine in da braine? Per, u should never told your mama to buy that bed with your faveourite mattress... Dream on, Per, dream on... Yesterday I saw u sleeping on da moon, maybe I will see u soon??? Tomorrow I will see you on Mars... In a week I'll see u on Pluto... So... Bye, my friend... Yesterday I was told they had seen a man sleepin' in his brand new bed near Sirius, so.. Dream on, Pez, dream on... I knew u were a space-sleeper, Pez... Dream me!!! Peeeeeeeeeeeer!!!!!!!! Composition finished on: Tuesday 03.12.96... Copyright (C) 1996, Jan R. Haugan / Black Code Design... Speed version...
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