cityscape.xm (cityscape.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Posted by Arne Puszelski on Tue 17th Mar 2009, rated 9 / 10.
Listen and enjoy! I think it´s a very good buid-up song. Good samples and very good arrangement. Very good idea for this song!
Listen and enjoy! I think it´s a very good buid-up song. Good samples and very good arrangement. Very good idea for this song!
Internal Texts *
Cityscape (The Journey Home) ------------------ 1998 (version 4) David H Stewart (DHSCORD) The Journey Home ----------------- Cloud over rooftop shading the sun, Silhouette city evening has begun, Peeking through alleyways I see the sky, Darkening but glaring at my little eye. Trees on a hilltop combed by the wind, The chill of the night is just setting in, Warm in my feelings my mind is afire, Night can't extinguish my rampant desire. Stars in the hillside sparkle by day, Wait for the nightshift to take them away, Rounding the corner and into the dark, A light in the distance my mind finds its mark The sea jumps to greet me sand starts to dance, Spinning around me my mind in a trance, I've travelled this journey time and again, But the smile on my face is in thought for its end. ------------------ Dedicated to Polly... Beauty surpassed only by brilliance. *Note this song uses low quality samples as it was originally intended for entry in Hornet's MC6 (1mb limit) Strings Car Start Bus.wav Alarm.wav Horn_3.wav Chiff.wav Kreal.wav Sambient.wav Hihat.raw Sgated.wav Sgsaxc~1.wav Kdance.wav Slide.smp 1chord_f.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Nice track very relaxing has a lovely feel and i did enjoy it,And at just over 5 mins the tune fills that time nicely.Good start and ending with some good melodies well worth a listen