s q u e e z e (squeeze.it)
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______ lessthanzeroRECORDs presents a funk called -- s q u e e z e -- composed and arranged by Cseven heres some solid funk fo' all yall junkies out there. kick it, yo. and kick it wit' MODtracKER yo. if yo' HIP enuf! er... a big STEP OFF, YO, to all yall that be dissin DA FUNK. and special thanx goes out to.. Little drummer boy, drumloop creation software STOMPER for helping make some awsome samples UnitedTRackers -Kosmos.. for the bass sample UNITEDtrackers a great info tool for trackers AMEN for loop mixing. make sure that you check out the crackle sample which is just one that stomper helped me out with. and thats me again, with all the voice samples... erm... pay no attention. if you want to use em.. theyre yours. i dont care. but send me the song u used em in... yo.. i wanna hear where i end up, homeskillet. anyway... when im not busy funking out... id always take some feedback on my work or my lame-ass funk accent... Cseven at msarnone_cctr.umkc.edu or find me on ICQ 29224335 enjoy. AND be looking out for the lessthanzeroRECORDs HOMEPAGE.. coming soon hopefully. from ITHEREAL and 411 hacks there a funkster can pick up any and all doze tunz dat i been producin' yo ... yeah yeah, and plenty of others too... sheesh. -the sqeeze goes out to my MAIN squeeze, love to zoon-
ntitled ntitled ntitled ntitled loop12 ntitled ample-CD "mazzive injecti ntitled ntitled ntitled ntitled R U Ready ntitled ntitled ntitled ntitled ntitled ntitled
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