Wishing for the sun (wishing_for_the_sun.xm)
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<Wishing for the sun> By Jeremy ->Replicas<- This tune is inspired by Challenger`s Theme "The Sad Ending" ------------- -------------- Http://come.to/ replicas ------- Thanks to: ---------------------- * Khyron - Piano * Lizardking - Instr. * Merlin - Instr. * A.T.W.I. ---------------------- --------- Hugs and kisses to my sweet and adoreable girlfriend, *Maria* --------- Please mail me some feedback: Eulogy_3_hotmail.com ---------------- I had some trouble of coming up with a name for this song,so I used Feeder's "Wishing for the sun" as the name. --------------- Wanna join Replicas??? We are looking for good coders=) Mail us!!! --------- Playtime:6min 11sek By C. Oscar Ejwertz octave 1 sampled octave 2 by octave 2.5 octave 3 Khyron! octave 4 octave 5
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