"Over the Edge" -mav (over_the_edge.xm)
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1998 (c) .. maverick blacktron music prod'z " Over the Edge " ( 8bit version ) moplayaz guest release five 'n a half minutes of dark bassles dnb :) edited , arranged and tracked on the 31st of january and the 1st of february, 1998 .. all rhythm loops were made by myself from scratch. so were the strings. contact: vandebilt_skynet.be i wanna point out that for some strange reason i had a pretty hard time tuning the rhythm loops so that they would flow right. i don't know if it is possible that some PCs play loops faster than others or not, but at least they SHOULD be tuned right :) and on my pc they flow right now. however, on ambience98 where this track part- icipated in the house compo, the loops went totally out of tune 4 some reason. :( track came 2nd btw. furthermore a big sorry to tEiS for not being able to make a 'fresh' new tune for moplayaz. gotta do it with this dewd.. sorry. laterz, mischa aka mav deepflow.sfx3 created with analogic _ assign _ Knuddel _ Karl _ maverick _ cosmic _ maverick _ maverick _ maverick _ maverick _ maverick _ madhatter _ madhatter _ outlaw _ maverick ???.voice
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