Computa play with me (computa_play_with_me.xm)
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JetFlange2 Nylon Atmosphere 2 Atari Bass25 anna: "come play with" bass_001-morbide AnalogicPlastikBass2 AmableSinus Loop1 F verrauscht snare a' la Aka hihat snare_27 Etomlo44.pat BD morbide 135_1_HihatLoop SD_rueckwaerts Noble 'Q Puls Fisch 303 + Glocke Quinte Woolitz1 Loop1 S sinus AmbiEp PandaBass HybriFlArp anna: "me" Sin+Arp <Computa play with me> * <C> BenT Byte * www.tu-chemnitz .de/~btu JetFlange2 *by BenT Byte* www.tu-chemnitz .de/~btu NYLONAT2.WAV Roland D50 *<C> BenT Byte * ATARI2.WAV *<C> BenT Byte * BASS25.WAV *<C> BenT Byte * Cpanna.wav *<C> Anna * *<C> BenT Byte * bass_001 *<C> BenT Byte * Wave0003.wav *<C> BenT Byte * AmableSinus *<C> AmableMusic* Loop1-f.wav CoolEdEx *<C> BenT Byte * SD16.WAV *<C> BenT Byte * HIHAT3.WAV *<C> BenT Byte * snare_27 *<C> BenT Byte * etomlow *<C> BenT Byte * 135kill1 *<C> BenT Byte * 135_1_h *<C> BenT Byte * MM131306.WAV * *<C> Morbid Minds * *<C> BenT Byte * CS1x Noble 'Q *<C> BenT Byte * CS1x Puls *<C> BenT Byte * CS1x Fisch 303+Glocke *<C> BenT Byte * CS1x Quinte *<C> BenT Byte * CS1x Woolitzer1 *<C> BenT Byte * Loop1-sf.wav CoolEdEx *<C> BenT Byte * CS1x AmbiEp *<C> BenT Byte * Bass.wav *<C> BenT Byte * CS1x HybriArpKnacks *<C> BenT Byte * Cpanna.wav *<C> Anna * *<C> BenT Byte * CS1x Sin+Arp *<C> BenT Byte *
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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