Virtual Trip Trance (virtual_trip_trance.xm)
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Dj Franky Macdonald. New song from Belgium. Virtual Trip Trance. E-Mail....... Dansing Zillion II. Time of the song 03.12. Date 13/08/99
thirddimvoice2 thirddimvoice3 voice thirddimvoice5 thirddimvoice6 INT4beep composed by griff! for in bloom party'93 vois2.wav Paranoid Phaselock Shaker1 mot.ACIDBASSDRUM TY3snare1 3rddimvocoder1 3rddimvocoder2 3rddimvocoder3 3rddimvocoder4 c.akaiopenhhrev INT2synth1 TY3bass8 TY3bass7 TY3bass6 INT2alert untitled untitled woww!!! Glass vcsorog vois1.wav thirddimvoice2 thirddimvoice3 voice thirddimvoice5 thirddimvoice6 INT4beep composed by griff! for in bloom party'93 vois2.wav Paranoid Phaselock Shaker1 mot.ACIDBASSDRUM TY3snare1 3rddimvocoder1 3rddimvocoder2 3rddimvocoder3 3rddimvocoder4 c.akaiopenhhrev INT2synth1 TY3bass8 TY3bass7 TY3bass6 INT2alert untitled untitled woww!!! Glass vcsorog vois1.wav
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