Would U?....... (would_u_.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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_*Composed by *_ -*DreaMSectioN*- -* DJ Pepper *- -* In *- -*:ZelleMatriX:*- -* Crew *- -*Would U?.......*- \*/\*/\*/\*/ The ZelleMatriX crew greetz: Awesome Elwood Reptile&Sky t-tracker Cyrex Chippet MELIN DJ Otto Lagoona (TSEC) Fermus Purple Motion TBO&Vega BlackShard DJ Panda XerXes -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- Well that's all from us right now.. Maby we forgot some ppl, but you know who you are ;) Special Thanks to Coca Cola for Ceeping us awake.. _*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_ ><><><><><><><>< _ZelleMatriX 2001 Finish Date: 01 04 18 Time working on this track: 3 hours Coca Cola used for ceeping us awake :) 2,5 liters BPM:147 Speed:03 Song lenght: 5:04 -*DreaMSectioN*- This is ZelleMatriX first release.. So you can count on more trancers by us. _-*C yA!!*-_ -*DJ Pepper*- Yeah!! count on more great trancers from us Maby not in XM but in MP3.. Or maby on a CD in the record store ;) _-*C yA!!*-_ egon.basedrum T15_01op.wav awesome Sweep.xi 909.snare -- softstr2.xi -- -- juicy1c4.xi -- -- lead1_c2.xi -- Filtered Sweep DJ Unique (Lagoona) 1-2-3-4.xi female.vce2 WOW!! -- burcells.xi -- Myster~1.wav -- phazyn.xi -- retour du comeback Flute123.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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