They Call YOU (they_call_you.xm)
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It-Alien finally presents They Call YOU finished on 27 may 97 a special thanks goes to EZ/Deathstar for beta listening and support. All whispers by It-* >:D hugs to all at: #demo-ita #barmario (efnet) #avellino (undernet) IT's XMs >:) to download at /(tilde)napodano NAPODANO_USA.NET (DaAbove1'llNeverExpir NAPODANO_INOPERA.IT 10x don't YOU hear'em? >:) Blue Adonis.AhhSynt Drumkit by >|8D It-Alien (|8< Hihati.smp Hihatop7.smp Crash12.smp Claps11.smp Tamtam19.smp Tamtam7.smp Ride4.smp Claves12.smp Shaker.smp Tamtam27.smp Crash4.smp Gong3.smp By It-Alien Tcu1.smp Tcu2.smp Tcu3.smp Tcu4.smp By Lino and IT-Alien By Lino and IT-Alien By Lino and IT-Alien By Lino and IT-Alien XI by It-Alien XI by IT-Alien Celesta.smp By Lino and IT-Alien
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