Having It All (having_it_all.xm)
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"Having It All" Originally by Stalker Remade by 4go10 This is the 16 bit version for all you wonderful Awe32 and GUS PnP people =) Respects to: Stalker Mellow-D Wave Hunz Krystall Mick Rippon Ryan Cramer Quazar Ringlord Lemm Leviathan Lift Lizardking Elwood Mr.Man Mystical Scirocco Clawz Cube Daze Delorean Dr.Awesome 4-mat U4ia K. Stadler PPE Floss Mental Floss Rage The Fear Centurion Sandman Necros Nemesis FBY Scorpik Tito Emax Jugi Sparklite Sikamikanico FireLight Khyron LioZ Jester of Sanity Unreal Vic Vincent Voois Vivid Vogue Zodiak All of you have rocked my world one time or another. Please mail me: kensei_airmail.net If possible set: Reverb = 05 - 10% Chorus = 85 - 90% (c) May 1997 A Forgotten Production X3 congo9 Bongolow.wav x3 slammin congo3 Mystical Mystical Crshcym1.wav Crshcym2.wav Kick Opnhihat.wav Pdlhihat.wav Bom C3.wav Roland C4.wav Roland C5.wav Roland C6.wav Roland C7.wav Roland 49ll.wav PSR410 49l.wav PSR410 49hl.wav PSR410 Khyron ReversedCymbal Nabo and Teo / FR K3O3.rumble.syn.16bits
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