firebrands q. - HU (firebrands_q.xm)
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HyperUnknown -bane coders software- - united trackers - "firebrand's quest" VERY REPEATING!!! this tune is an small edit of one of the tunes from the game Gargoyles Quest II available on nintendo. just remade the tune with new fresh samples instead of the crappy nintendo chip samples quite a difference! my e-mail address: my homepage address on the next page --> hyperunknown/ this tune is quite boring and repeating but since i'm into remixing a lot of game music at the moment, i had to release this one anyway :-) just some greets to my best friends onyx - zoda - pluto hey btw, in the game, enter the first house you see to the left when you get out of the house you start in to check the original version of the tune :) nono.... not there.... dont tickle!.... aiihihihi.... stop that!.... aiiihiihihihhhhhh... 17 july 1998 FileName: hu-fireb Duration : 02:24 Size : 520820 Channels: 16 Released:17july98 HyperUnknown's (Roland D-50) hyper HyperUnknown's HyperUnknown's hyper HyperUnknown's HyperUnknown's hyper HyperUnknown's HyperUnknown's hyper HyperUnknown's HyperUnknown's hyper HyperUnknown's HyperUnknown's hyper HyperUnknown's HyperUnknown's hyper HyperUnknown's from settlers sf4 reverbed from settlers sf4 reverbed from settlers sf4 reverbed hyper .. men lägg aaaaaaav jävla rotandes på dig dårå vava uh?
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