The Greatest Trick.. (the_greatest_trick.xm)
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"The Usual Suspects: The Greatest Trick" By: Jokah Finnished 14/9 19_99 (1 day before my birthday:)A kinda birthday release! Running time: 05:18 If you haven't seen the movie: The Usual Suspects, do so RIGHT NOW! It's one of the most genious films ever made! Some samples by me and some by others. Creds to those whom I have burrowed samples from :) Greets to: Oh-dog, Bludd, j-nug, Fiskefusk, Sunny, Astaldo, Chroma, Polvo Darkhalo, Twinspeak, Caramel and YOU For hearing my music :) Comments or anything: IRC Ef-Net: #Quiz-Show #Trax The Vocal samples are of course from the movie: The Usual Suspects. My songs --> http:// artists.traxinspace .com/Jokah - 14/9 1999 (C) By: - Henning'Jokah'Severud 5390 Klokkarvik Norway "Who was Keiser Söze? -Some say his father was german. Nobody ever believed he was real, nobody ever knew him or saw anybody that worked directly for him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it, anybody could have worked for Söze. You never knew, that was his power. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convinsing the world he didn't exist....." * -The End - * A Trip Hop Tune As Well As A Melodic Acid-Jazz Tune.. :) go beat reverb Darkhalo Tick.smp Cymbloop.smp ride cymbal from srjv12 exp Darkhalo vocal 2 Darkhalo Us3beat.wav (c) Jokah 1999 Us3con~1.wav (c) Jokah 1999 By Em-Jay CyberZip I think.. ? By Em-Jay Purple Motion ? Longsax.wav (c) Jokah 1999 Supercool trippy sax! Lngsaxp.wav (c) Jokah 1999 :)))) sitar seq 4 Darkhalo Us3beat.wav (c) Jokah 1999 sitar seq 3 Darkhalo ? Kontra1-3.wav (c) Jokah 1999 Kontra2-3.wav (c) Jokah 1999 Suspct2-3.wav (c) Jokah 1999 Suspct3-3.wav (c) Jokah 1999 Suspct1-3.wav (c) Jokah 1999
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