Dark Sights (dark_sights.xm)
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DOUBLE FX ' Dark Sights ' _ HipE Productions _ Double Fx 1997 yeah. beack with a sweeping hardtranz track. thanx to TraXstA for the awesome samples, and also NTX, Bobba Fat, and the others who provided the ripped samples. Quick Track, Quick Greetz: HipE, #trax, #BiGBooM BioMega, Blunt, AP, and friends. _ DOUBLE FX 1997 preparedness makes us powerful =-----------------= ..nothin here dewd.. Dark Sights DoubleFx _ 160 Bpm Hardtranz 3:24 Smoothed by TRAX from traxsta Smoothed by TRAX from traxsta Smoothed by TRAX from traxsta Smoothed by TRAX from traxsta Smoothed by TRAX from traxsta Smoothed by TRAX from traxsta Smoothed by TRAX from traxsta Smoothed by TRAX from traxsta Smoothed by TRAX from traxsta Smoothed by TRAX from traxsta Smoothed by TRAX from traxsta Smoothed by TRAX rip Smoothed by TRAX Smoothed by TRAX rip Smoothed by TRAX from bigrick Smoothed by TRAX rip Smoothed by TRAX rip Smoothed by TRAX _FFX KORG _FFX KORG rip rip from BobbaFat From Bobba Fat Smoothed by TRAX Smoothed by TRAX _NTX break Smoothed by TRAX Smoothed by TRAX rip
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