"Deadly Injection" (deadly_injection.xm)
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Classic but really well done. A bit in the style of Faithless.
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Composed by Area 51 (Dan Nyman) In 2000 ====================== "Deadly Injection" ====================== (((stereo))) Thanx To.... -Antiloop- - -Eartbound- - -Richi M- - And Thanx To.... CeeRo, Ufopoli, Radix, Wight, SpaceWalk, Sector7seven, Lagoona, D-fast, dokter187, Cykiq, Pruno, DeeBee, And many, manny more. I want to tank all the member's of my new Group: "Injection Squad" And specially CeeRo! Cya guy's (In Starchat) hehe..." -Area 51 DNA- ___ -Make Yourself Heard- ___ -Area 51 DNA- Contact me for any reason at : nymandan_hotmail.com
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
What memories of those years! Good song in its genre, good sound...