She relaxes (she_relaxes.xm)
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She Relaxes created by Fabio Napodano (It-Alien) This song was born in 1995 as a 6ch FT1 MOD then it was optimized as XM during 3/96 and finally renewed as you are listening it in January 98 (!!!), for a special event: the incoming It-Alien's 2nd CD-Audio! If I don't fail, this song wasn't actually dedicated to a woman in particular, but let me now dedicate it to three girls: my sister Maria Elena, who just loved it along this 3 years, Laura, my disappeared and adored cousin, and Maria, today turning 21. Happy Birthday... >BD email NAPODANO_INOPERA.IT (tilde)napodano 10x to AntAnio for helping me in disas- sembling chords which were into the samples 5 and 6, now recreated using only the sample 9. This costed him a 1 PM awakening, which is probably a dream for all of us, but it was a nightmare for him hehehehe... Mannaggia i Nirvana, by the way... )8D hmmm... Hihatopj.smp Hihati.smp Bdrum35 SMP by It-Alien Flute9 Flute8
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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