Can't Stop Caring (cant_stop_caring.xm)
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"Can't Stop Caring" jrook of kosmic something different for a change... it keeps you going... (c)1997 juhani gurney You're as soft as the evening sun... as fresh as the morning breeze... You glitter like the stars on a winter sky... and your beauty is equal to perfection You're just somewhere out of my reach, creating the emptiness that is conquering my mind.. . This was on a xmas pressy cd for a very dear person in my life I don't know why I'm releasing this now... it's so bloody simple and all too...ach well greets to all the normal folks... you know who you are! if you feel like it... drop me a message at jrook(at) jrook.kick.strong Synth Bass 16Bit (cosmic) guspatch.belltree jrook.clhat.edit3 jrook.shaker.edit jrook.sidestick Tambourine 2 / CG _ smash jrook.OPCL1 bert.clean.string guspatch.crash jrook.sf.hat.effct cg.Tom01.wav cg.Tom02.wav cg.Tom02-b.wav _cg jrook.sf.crash.effct efx-star.xi _ fusion NoName NoName NoName NoName
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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