Arab Dreams (arab_dreams.xm)
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started on 25.3.1995 ---------------------- DOJ / Cubic Team ---------------------- Square links Square rechts Square in der Mitte Frettless Roland Bass Arco String Alt Saxophon Fantasia.pat Arab Sequence Tom 1 Arab Sequence Tick 1 Arab Sequence Tom 2 Arab Sequence Tick 2 Synth String 1 String Solo short String, nicht gut ! Choir C Choir F Choir G7 Tiefe Bass Drum Snare High Helmet finished on 31.11.1995 ---------------------- inspiration gained from 'Vom Nil gefuehrt durch Aegypten' by Fariborz Yousefit Hashtyani This song took place in the Multichannel Compo at WIRED '95. I do hope that I can score this time... Watch out for my music disc, which will be released if I have collected enough songs by me. If you like this tune I'm sure you will like my disc ! Please don't blame me because I haven't made every single sample, but I simply haven't found a good drum source to sample from yet. If you like my samples feel free to use them, but please send me a copy of your music. You can contact me for any reason, especially music relatet themes, just e-mail to: bertolt.meyer_hamburg. fido (germany): 2:2437/301.39 snail-mail: Dirk Jagdmann Kaiser-Fried.-Ufer 13 20253 Hamburg Germany (please not that the email address is not mine, but my friend's So a reply can have some delay!) these three samples were taken from my Roland E-36 of course Roland too ripped from some MOD very cool sax sampled by me original GUS patch these three are from the standard per- cussion drum set of Roland Keyboards these Strings are _ by Roland again cool choirs of course self- made quality amiga MOD sample ripped sampled from Roland
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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