Power Indicator rmx (power_indicator_remix.xm)
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"Power Indicator rmx" (Runtime: 4'46") Composed by: Mathias Holm aka CliveR / A.I. CreW _1998 by Mathias Holm. All rights reserved. ARTiFiCiAL iNTELLiGENCE "Top notch \ / swedish / \ dance music" \ / / \ VISIT http://come.to/ artificial. intelligence FOR MORE GREAT DANCE PIECES!!! FOR BEST PERFORMANCE USE FT2.08. THIS IS THE SECOND SONG THAT WILL BE ON OUR DEMO-CD. BUT WE WILL HAVE A SINGER TO FURTHER "ENHANCE" OUR MATERIAL. NO REMIXING ALLOWED. GREETZ TO: _zeta_/NWTC Achilles/Triad Andreas/Tsec Asu Benny Billy DaNeR/NWTC Dj BarS/A.I. Crew Dr Jam/Paranoise Extreme/E.T. Glejs/dS Gx2 Marix/NWTC Mysterium/Nebula Nitro/E.T. NoRuleZ Shadowrunner/A.I. Crew Virtuos/Tsec Warcrime/E.T. ZPP Dj Zip/Kombo ragOOn/Kombo phlow/Kombo ...And to the rest i forget... THIS SONG IS A REMIX OF MY REMIX OF MY ORIGINAL AMIGA PIECE WITH THE SAME NAME ...COMPLICATED ??? =) Digdug [Old Amiga sample] taken from Dj Bliznia -Remeber ST:01 ? A classic Sample disc on the Amiga!!! ;) This sample was one of my favorites back in 1990!!! (Nostalgic smile!) this sample could be found on ST:01 ... Bassdrum taken from ??? Synth taken from Glejs/dS Clap taken from ??? Hihat taken from Soundwave's Sample site Sample taken from Akbar Sample taken from Extreme/ EnergyTrance _TSEC Cymbal taken from ??? Hihat from Dj Bliznia Hihat from Dj Bliznia Oldorgan.smp taken from Dj Bliznia taken from Soundwaves sample site Psweep1.wav taken from Soundwave's Sample site Snare taken from ??? String7 taken from TSEC [Old Amiga sample] Pad cyberzip.nebula Strings cyberzip.nebula Space Pizzicato cyberzip.nebula dj zip underground string panned string techno string Space Pizzicato cyberzip.nebula
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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