An Hard Day in Japan (an_hard_day_in_japan.xm)
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An Hard Day in Japan (who cares) by It-Alien Nov96-Jan97 (!!!) (5 mins) I think that there is nothing to explain... >|8-|) A wise alien said: "If a butterfly moves in Japan, a quake causes 10000 killings in Italy, but which Italian man will care of that f****** butterfly?" NAPODANO_INOPERA.IT samples 1,6 are from FT smp HomePage samples 4,5 are from me and Lino (PK38) sample 7,8 are mine sample 9 is by Zone. Drumkit set (XI no. 2) assembled & chgd by me AAAARGH!!! Another progressive thingumabob!!! FT HP (?!) Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do FT Instr HP Drumkit Assembled Filtered Modificated Distributed Abused by It-Alien. (Shake before use) Crash6.smp Crash4.smp Tamtam21.smp Ride4.smp Claves20.smp Claves19.smp Lino/It-ALien of PK38 (my "real" music group!!) Lino/It-Alien FT HP Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do Some modifications by It-Alien, original by...hmmm...bah...:) It-Alien WTF Is ?! >:) Zane Heavily modificated by It-Alien, original by...Let's say it's by It-Alien...:) Pzcato1.smp Brasslow.smp Yes, the same old razis.smp... Gong3.smp
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