gonna RoCk da place! (gonna_rock_da_place.xm)
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. composed by . dYNE / rC & sTOR hAMZTER /rC .for tp6multichannel. . compo . thanx to andremis for backup vocals main-rap performed by dYne arranged by sTOR hAMZTER vocals&text is copyright 1996 by dYne /rC idea by dYne /rC moral support by piffi/rC rap-vocals-goes : "rectum cauda is back again. This time with dyne and the hamzter- man. Bringin' ya'back to the oldtime-school, where rythm'n'bass and rap was cool! World domination is the ultimate vision, the goals are clear and so are the visions The enemies are many but they really have a case, 'cause rECTUM cAUDA's gonna rock da place!" chorus : "yeah, come'on every- body , let's rock da place!!" . this is IT! . rECTUM cAUDA . tp6-domination!! (c)andremis (c)andremis (c) 1995 necros / fm (c)dYne (c)dYne (c)dYne (c)dYne (c)dYne (c)dYne (c)dYne (c)dYne (c)dYne (c)dYne (c)dYne st-81:pinup.txt
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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