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Peak Music Power Output and RBi Music Prod. presents: Blowbrain with: - abandoned for RBi Music Prod ltd song during: 5:06 ---------------------- Not expected , but suspected was I returned into the Dutch scene. This is my 2nd come- back , altough you probably never noti- ced it. I don't like da tune, especially the last Kung-Fu trance part. This was made for fun All other parts were made with a little more care. ---------------------- if you think you have something to tell me about anythin g you could mail me: Blowbrain(at) rbi-music.com www.rbi-music.cim PMPO Homeragez: http://listen.to/PMPO http://fly.to/trance De Groeten _Blowbrain/PMPO 1998 Samplepack Guzz Gewoon verrotte tik van iemand die mij verder on- bekend is Cosmic.Bongo.1 Cosmic.Bongo.2 Cosmic.Bongo.3 bongo1 (subhuman) bongo2 (subhuman) tr.909.stick ik denk van Sonic EP2.Mohawk.bassdrum ToughTom.deeper EP2.Mohawk.snare Zie sample 03 ? Samplepack Samplepack CSHD2.WAV 09-KICK10 BBeat van Choir _ Cruz (moog) Smooth Hihat (Rendered in SimSynth) 808-02 Patch lekker gejatte in stukjes gekapte breakbeat van dreamfish 808Snare (Roland TR-808) _ roland 44 khz 909Clap (Roland TR-909) Beatje3.wavv Beatje3.wavv Beatje3.wavv Beatje3.wavv Beatje3.wavv Blowbrain ravezoom Korg X3 Residue (toxic trancer) Bass dac.16bitqlclosed.geil E A D G H E2 Guitar played and sampled by Vivid
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