dnatrance_chariots o (chariots_of_the_gods.xm)
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chariots of the gods fucking mental club edit (8-bit version) every single drum loop is by me, and is (c) 1998 david ashe / dnatrance_usa.net go to my web site at http://listen.to/mods Yeah, pretty mental, i have a heavyish trance edit of this tune which is in my big 20 minute mix mod greetz: ahh, gronda gronda cyberzip (mr.studio!) heatseeker (mr.remix!) cybergoth (mr.logo!) coretex (cool.trance!) the flying mantis nico and the rest of my breakbeatz crew! oh, deviator, mysterium, and the rest of the tis crew, and all the cool music groups and EVERYBODY who i havent mentioned .. heres some tips for crap trackers .. use original samples ...try to use your own sources of samples and don't rip a crap sample! Dumb.wav Bassnzch.wav Kick8.wav (c)dnatrance Hat3.wav (c)dnatrance (c)dnatrance Hat1.wav Fdpunch.wav Bassres.wav Yeah.wav Woocka.wav my voice (anybody wanna buy me a new mic?) my voice (shit?) Blood1.wav Chrtogod.wav sample by coretex (c)dnatrance those morbid guyz! (great sample cd!) 909sd~34.wav 0-14~34.wav (yberzip sample
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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