Drowning (Feme Edit) (e-drown.xm)
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1998 (c) .. Exodus Less Music Production "Drowning" (Femme Edit) New and improved ver of this track! I hope somebody out there like it. Somthing wie- rd has hapend, i acc- tually did some refin- ement AFTER I finished the song. I have never done that before, so im pretty pround! The phat bass aint completly right, but it'll have to do... Change page for greets Solorize Luna Schutzy Marcel Schm0 Rootus Trinity Jobe Toejam Vildauget Maverick Nogsf Xilian Quoz Farmer Prc Welti Dice Pheevah Dj Mif Jay +My friends and so on. Drum & Bass Playing For 8.45 min! Most samples ripped from nogsf's "away". The ride sample and the two "drowning" vocal samples is rippe d from Kom'ahs Mermaid Contact me: ython(at)hotmail.com Read the NFO files which came with this file if you want more of this stuff! Made With Fast Tracker 2 - - - Made In Exodus Recordings Geithus, Norway I got the idea for this front screen from some maverick track... Heh.. don't sue me.. It's really cool! YEAH!! It fucking rule! But what are you doing? go enjoy the fucking song! _ hybrid Skiesfx5.smp Cymbal3.dsff Outboard.smp Bachscy.sam Jng1.smp (cubic) Jng2.smp (cubic) (cubic) (cubic) _ ??? Clap.smp Kom'ah Kom'ah kom'ah
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